I Am You, Dragging Halo
Second album by Murmurists, I Am You, Dragging Halo', to be released as a CD by Zohar.um, May 2016 / composition, libretto and artwork by Anthony Donovan / voices: Pixyblink as Soprano Gory (a factual size); Bryan Lewis Saunders as Nibiru Haemosex (The King of Nigeria); Annie Dee as Mandala Oort (seeks similar); Sharon Gal as Orphite Anon, Beguiler; David Cunliffe as Nid Nod From Niflheim; Anton Mobin as INRI Matisse; Anthony Donovan as Id Vicious (a Porno Adorno) / Musicians: Mark Browne: percussion; Paulo Chagas: oboe, bamboo flute; Matt Chilton: puredata; Annie Dee: objects, field recordings; Anthony Donovan: guitars, basses, keyboards, zither, electronics, objects, percussion, field recordings; Thomas Fernier: sampler; Paul Mimlitsch: bass clarinet; Sonia Paço-Rocchia: bassoon / mastered by Zafer Aracagök / dedicated to my darling, Annie Dee / almost three years in the making, recorded in England, America, France, Portugal and Canada, during 2012-2014